According to studies, the global number of mobile phone users will reach 4.78 billion by 2020. Given the capabilities of these smart devices, it's only natural that the hotel industry would capitalize on their growing popularity. In the hotel industry, customer service and client pleasure are the most crucial considerations, and mobile devices can help improve and optimize both.

Hoteliers, restaurant owners, and managers are increasingly using applications to manage the services they deliver to their customers, even more so, since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic. Through research, it was also found they can now control many facets of the visitor cycle, experience, and the general interface. Needless to say, since 2020, the trend toward digital and contactless services has accelerated. Customer-facing services, such as mobile reservations, contactless payments, voice control, and biometrics, are getting a well-deserved makeover because of the increased use of technology-assisted solutions.

When it comes to hotels, consumers who have become accustomed to using facial and fingerprint identification to unlock their smartphones and computers will soon demand the same convenience in their rooms. Since technology has leapt through the age of time in its development, achieving such a feat is not surprising!

Among the many advantages of applications catering to the hospitality industry, the most prominent ones are:
Optimizing a client’s booking and reservation experience
Building and developing a sense of loyalty towards the chain
Fostering the lines of communication
Personalize customer experiences by collecting appropriate data 
Feedback collection and implementation 
Increasing visibility of the restaurant